Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Part 2: Cake: my heroic journey and epic escape from the clutches of doom

All the town screamed. Some in terror and some cackling with delight. There was nothing to be seen in the darkness. Nothing but Wizard Fire cascading through the heavens.

The lights returned suddenly, and lo and behold, on the stage was none other than the Sorceress Metric and her three musical minions. They had crept in under the cover of darkness, for if the guards had seen them, they would have put up a grand exposition and denied their entry.

She began her sorcery. It was like that of another land. Like German pop, 80's synth, psychedelic Pink Floyd songs of walls. Though much better than I am able to describe. Their spell fell like a mist over those taking shelter in the theater. Then suddenly, many lights, geometric in their ways shone throughout the structure. They danced in the air like magic, for magic they were indeed.

Then the rains died down and the atmosphere seemed less threatening than it had just prior to the blackout. The Sorceress and her minions had done what they came to do. The hour grew late and the event seemed to be drawing to an end. Would we get to see Cake this cold rainy night, or was our journey all for naught? It was already past the hour that these events usually subsided and weary travelers made their way back to their home lands.

The lights rose to normal proportions though the sun had already set. many theatre employs scuttled to the stage to bring out sound amplifying gadgets and strange doobly instruments. They even hanged an elaborate tapestry in honor of the Fellowship of Cake. Cake would play this night!

Oh joyous noise! The crowd cheered for them as they finally arrived. They made haste and played the most popular songs out of their expansive repertoire. They must finish by the stroke of midnight, or face massive consequences from the town ordinance.

Half way through, they made pause and gave the gift of a tree to a stranger. The greatest honor one could hope to receive from persons hailing from the land of Iconoclast. From music to life.

After they finished, my party made our weary trek home. Running into more, but minimal rain. Where I wrote in my internet diary,

"My friends and I went to a Cake concert featuring the Wombats and Metric. It changed venues last minute, and the thunderstorm caused a nearly two hour delay. But it was awesome!"

The End
Part 1

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