Saturday, June 16, 2012

Classic TV shows. Nick at Nite. Life in general

First, I would like to say that I have always been bothered by the way they spell "Nite". It's "night" people! Stop promoting incorrect spelling!

Second, I would like to say that I spent my childhood years staying up all hours of the night watching this channel. Often times, people I work with say things like, "Oh, this one time on the Mary Tyler Moore Show... oh you're probably too young for that." Well guess what, old people, I watched that show all the time when I was 6. I know what you're talking about.

Anyway, Netflix has started posting some of these old shows. I literally spent most of my day today watching  Dick Van Dyke. This was probably my favorite show as a kid. It's a wonder why we don't have shows like this anymore. Something that the whole family can sit down and watch together. There is no programming like this at all today. TV parents don't love each other, kids are not obedient or innocent. Wives and husbands don't come together and talk out their problems, talk about how to raise their kids, talk about their day, talk at all. Today on TV, you'll see married couples sleep in the same bed, and the same bed of the lady /man down the street.

I can understand that times have changed, and now we're supposed to show diversity on TV. We're supposed to let kids know that not every family is the same, and that's "OK". But has this gone so far as to create bad role models for families?

Is there even any programming out there for families to watch together? Sure, Lifetime still has those original movies about moms looking for their kidnapped children, which are great for scaring your kids into staying in the yard.... Well... that's not any fun. Oh! We have the Disney channel, where the programming is made exclusively to promote tween-pop. The content is sometimes so ridiculous that it doesn't even make any sense. Sometimes they play classic movies, which are pretty good, but neither the programming or the movies are really all that entertaining for adults on a regular basis.

There is such a split in what's on TV. Everything is made for a specific demographic, but families are not made out of one demographic. Families are all demographics under the same roof.

TV families used to represent the perfect model for the perfect family. Today, they reflect the worst possible relationships imaginable. Today, we have nothing to look up to, no goals to reach. What we have, is a very low bar, that we try not to go under. We see the dirt on everyone, and try to justify our immoral lives by saying, "well at least I'm not as bad as [insert trending celebrity couple here]".  Wouldn't it be better to try to be the best we can be for the betterment of mankind?

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